
reminiscence, the  TAFL-approved  fanlisting for Anya Alstreim, the misterious poker-faced little sixth Knight of the Rounds playing her role in the series Code GEASS ~ Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 ! ♥

A big thanks goes to the kind  MEI  who read one of craziest application I've ever wrote XD and let me adopt the fanlisting in September 2009! ♥ And that also waited patiently for me to finish it, slow as I am @_@ and let me take her codes too :D Also thanks to Chrissy, who was the first owner of the fanlisting, and gave the permission to Mei to adopt Anya to me. ♥

Anya was one of my top-wishlister when I had a wishlist up, actually, but will be up again sooner or later so I went ashhfsjsf when I knew Mei was going to adopt her out. ♥ My love and obsession for Anya is diffucult to be expressed by words (the fact it's that I suck uin express why I adore a particular character XD) but I want to try to build a little shrine for her in order to explain, at least partially, what I found o awesome of Anya. Thank you again so much endlessy, Mei! ♥ ♥ ♥

Feel free to visit all the section, and please consider joining if you're a fan! ^_^


Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 02nd March 2025
Member count: 74, from 28 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Eggs&Mint









Tv Commercials (Characters)


Code GEASS - Hangyaku no Lelouch " is property of Sunrise, Inc., licensed by Bandai, all rights reserved. Layout and content are (c) Akira K.S. Do not reproduce without permission.
Online since: September 21st, 2009

RESOURCES: texture by Aethereality, patterns by Hybrid Genesis, brushes by Coby17, vector by kyoukd.