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"TRUE FRIENDSHIP", the TFL & TAFL approved fanlisting for the relationships between Asbel Lhant & Sophie, two of the main characters of the videogame series TALES OF GRACES!

I really love their relationship because it is a real and very touching example of true friendship between a girl and a boy, with zero romantic issues. There is not love triangle in this series, on the contrary, Sophie helped Asbel and his love interest, in the end, and I found it quite refreshing! In any case, this fanlisting any aspect of their relationship, so if you like them as lovers rather than friends, you can join as well! ^_^

Please take a look around and consider joining if you are a fan! ^__^


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Coming soon~


Tales of Graces is property of Namco, all rights reserved. This is only a fansite and no infrangiments to those rights are intended.
Layout is (c)Akira since April 9th, 2011. Do not reproduce without permission.