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You've reached "JUDGEMENT", the only approved and listed at The Anime fanlistings fanlisting for THE MUSIC OF DEATH NOTE, the anime series of the omonimous manga by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata!

I've been chosen by Yume to adopt this fanlisting in July 2009, and I am really endlessy grateful to her for having given the opportunity to take care of the fanlisting for the one I think i'ts the best anime soundtrack I have heard and liste to in all my life. She was taking care of it since December 3rd, 2006 and I would like to keep doing a good job and keep it alive for the years to come ♥

I've chosen "Judgement" as title because some of the greatest pieces of the soundtrack, underlines Light's action as a judge of those he considers evil. That's also the reason why I made a Light-centered layout: I think the central image portraits very well Light's plans, while I chosen to put the sides images because they reminds me the track "Coda", that wonderfully concludes the anime and the magnificent job of the authors of the soundtrack, Yoshihisa Hirano and Hideki Taniuchi.

Please feel free to take a deeper look into this site, and consider joining if you are a fan! ♥

♥ ~ Akira


Judgement currently has 246 (+1) fans from 40 countries listed. A warm welcome to Venusxite, our latest fan/s! ♥ This fanlisting has been updated on 02nd March 2025. Powered by Enthusiast.

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