Akaku akaku akaku... yurete
You've reached CATENAE CRUENTAE, the only approved and listed at The Anime fanlistings and at the fanlistings fanlisting for FUTATSU NO KODOU TO AKAI TSUMI , the opening theme, sung by the duo ON/OFF, of the first anime series of VAMPIRE KNIGHT, a shoujo manga created by Matsuri Hino! ♥
I am really excited to be able to run this fanlisting, I adore this song and I will be forever grateful to Aya who choose me to adopt it on December 25th, 2009, an amazing Christmas gift! *--*♥ She ran the fanlisting since it was firstly approved in May 2008, and I kept her title, for which the credit goes to her! ^-^
Please feel free to take a look around, and consider joining if you are a fan of this addicting song! ♥
Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 02nd March 2025
Member count: 108, from 29 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Sisi
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