Akaku akaku akaku... yurete

You've reached CATENAE CRUENTAE, the only approved and listed at The Anime fanlistings and at the fanlistings fanlisting for FUTATSU NO KODOU TO AKAI TSUMI , the opening theme, sung by the duo ON/OFF, of the first anime series of VAMPIRE KNIGHT, a shoujo manga created by Matsuri Hino! ♥

I am really excited to be able to run this fanlisting, I adore this song and I will be forever grateful to Aya who choose me to adopt it on December 25th, 2009, an amazing Christmas gift! *--*♥ She ran the fanlisting since it was firstly approved in May 2008, and I kept her title, for which the credit goes to her! ^-^

Please feel free to take a look around, and consider joining if you are a fan of this addicting song! ♥

~ Akira


Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 02nd March 2025
Member count: 108, from 29 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Sisi

Part of


Credits & Disclaimer

Vampire Knight is created by Hino Matsuri and published by Hakusensha, anime by Studio Deen. Futatsu no Kodou to Akai Tsumi is property of ON/OFF. All rights reserved. This is only a fansite and the webmistress doesn't intend to violate those rights. Layout is (c) Akira K.S. Do not reproduce without permission. Online since January 4th, 2010.
Credits for the graphic resource will be added soon.