You've reached NOT YOUR USUAL PRINCE, the THE ANIME FANLISTINGS only approved fanlisting for JEILE ASTELLE DAIMONIA EUCALYSTIA, one of the main characters of the manga series MeruPuri - Märchen☆Prince!

     Loads and loads of thanks goes to Yume that decided to let me adopt the fanlisting in October 2012, and that kindly waited for me to able to finish it! I adore Jeile and I hope I'll be able to take care of his fanlisting forever Credit for the title of this fanlistings goes to her too

     Please feel free to take a look around, and consider joining if you love him! ^_^

Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 02nd March 2025
Members: 130, from 26 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Christien

MeruPuri - Märchen Prince has been created by Matsuri Hino, published by Hakusensha, all rights reserved. This is only a fansite and no infrangiments to those rights are intended. Layout is (c) Akira since December 7th, 2012. Do not reproduce without permission.