Kimi wa dare dai? Boku wa Lambo!

Welcome!!! You've reached t h u n d e r s t r u c k, the only approved and listed at  The Anime fanlistings fanlisting for  LAMBO , the crybaby and sometimes totally out of control little Vongola Guardian from the manga and anime series Katekyou Hitman Reborn, created by Amano Akira and published on the famous weekly shounen magazine Shounen Jump!

A very huge thanks goes to Lorelei that chose me as new owner of this fanlisting in October 2009. I've been rejected once for Lambo, and I thought I wouldn't get another chance to own his fanlisting, but then she put it on adoption and she entrusted it to me with very kind words that I've appreciated a lot. Thanks again so much, I'll have care of it!! ♥♥♥ And also thanks to Naomi who first opened the fanlisting and had care of it until May 2008 :)

Please feel free to take a look around, and consider joining if you are a fan of him! ♥ This site works better with Mozilla Firefox, since I suck in understanding why IE acts its own way (and also sometimes the contrary, LOL). >_> I apologize for the inconvenience:°D


Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 02nd March 2025
Member count: 143, from 31 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Moony

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Credits and disclaimer

Katekyou Hitman Reborn! is a creation of Amano Akira, published by Shueisha, anime produced by Artland, Inc., all rights reserved. This is only a fansite and no infrangiments to those rights are intented.
Layout and content are by Akira K.S., do not reproduce without permission.
Thunder stock is from stok-by-kai, texture used for the content from Hybrid Genesis. scans are from hitman_reborn (can't remeber the single user, I apologize.). The source of some pattenrs and brushes I used is unknown, if you see something yours, please contact me and I'll give you proper credits, my apologizes in advance.