You've reached Kono sekai no tame ni, the only approved and listed at THE FANLISTINGS NETWORK andTHE ANIME FANLISTINGS NETWORK fanlisting for MILLA MAXWELL, the female protagonist of the 2011 Namco's Tales of series installment, Tales of Xillia ! ❤
I actually can't believe I've been so lucky to be approved for her, I was sure I didn't stand a chance. A huge thanks goes to Jackie, TFL's Game Category staffer, for approving me!! ♥ Milla is my favourite character of the game, and leaving spoilers aside, her charisma and badassery mixed with her sweetness and her femininity totally owned me! ❤ The choice of the title has been difficult, as usually I totally suck ^_^" But I've decided to go with something that is a constant for her; though, "For the sake of this world" sounded bad to me, so I've decided to go japanese! ;D
Please feel free to take a look around, and consider joining if you are a fan of Milla! ^_^❤
I actually can't believe I've been so lucky to be approved for her, I was sure I didn't stand a chance. A huge thanks goes to Jackie, TFL's Game Category staffer, for approving me!! ♥ Milla is my favourite character of the game, and leaving spoilers aside, her charisma and badassery mixed with her sweetness and her femininity totally owned me! ❤ The choice of the title has been difficult, as usually I totally suck ^_^" But I've decided to go with something that is a constant for her; though, "For the sake of this world" sounded bad to me, so I've decided to go japanese! ;D
Please feel free to take a look around, and consider joining if you are a fan of Milla! ^_^❤
Milla currently has 10 (+ 0 pending) fans from 6 countries. A warm welcome to LINDSAY, our latest fan/s! ♥ Last updated on 02nd March 2025.