You've reached Never give up!!, a shrine and a fanlisting (approved at the Anime Fanlistings Network ) for Milly Ashford, the enthusiastic, kind-hearted and somewhat crazy XD kaichou of the student council of the Ashford Academy in the series Code GEASS ~ Hangyaku no Lelouch and its sequel, Code GEASS ~ HAngyuaku no Lelouch R2!
All my endlessy thanks goes to Miriallia who kindly asked me if I wanted to take care of Milly even if she's a very dear character of her, who had trust in my work, and consequentely let me adopt her fanlisting in December 2008! ♥ ♥ ♥ I kept the title she chose when she opened Milly's fanlisting because I couldn't really find one who could fits Milly better that this one! *-*
Please use the menù on the top-left to navigate the site, and consider joining if you are a fan of this great girl! ♥ The site is best viewed with Firefox but even on IE it's not so bad, after all XD
Script used: Enthusiast
Last update: 05th January 2025
Fans of Milly: 94, from 28 countries
Pending members: 0
Please welcome to: Jessica
APRIL 13TH, 2009: 5 new codes and a new partner/affiliate added♥