About Miranda Lotto

You have just reached "Inner strenght ", a shrine as well as the TAFL-approved fanlisting for Miranda Lotto, a character from the anime/manga "D.Gray-man"! ♥

Please feel free to take a look around and visit the about section to know more about her, the fanlist section if you would consider joining, and the sitely section to browse affiliates and extras! ^_^

IMPORTANT!! For the correct display of all titles, please download and install the Monotype Corsiva font, thanks!


Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 02nd March 2025
Member count: 85, from 28 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Carla



October 10th, 2008: few days ago, the fanlisting got its 25th member, so I've added the award! ♥ Thanks to everyone who joined!

July 30th, 2008:
now, all the pages are up! 120 codes, the partners, the temporary about section and the CSS validation banner added! ♥

July 27th,2008:
the fanlisting is up! ^_^ I still have to fix the code in all the pages and build all of them, but it's already joinable! ♥
Part of:



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