
You've just reached
"that is my own will", the  TAFL  and TFL-approved fanlisting for Mandan no Regret (known in the US version as Legretta the Quick) a character from the videogame and anime Tales of the Abyss!

I have to thank from the bottom of my heart  SAMANTHA , who kindly let me adopt the fanlisting and had waited patiently for me to have the time to finish it! Thanks a lot! ♥


Script used: Enthusiast
Owner: Akira K.S.
Previous owners: Samantha , Miiscea , Lagrenn
Last updated: 02nd March 2025
Member count: 30, from 12 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Nina Ren

April 20th, 2009: the fanlisting is now proudly crosslisted at TAFL! ♥

Images are from Samantha, the official anime website and Animepaper.
Brushes are from In Obscuro and Colorfilter. Texture is from Urban Strokes.
Tales of the Abyss is created by Namco, anime by Sunrise, all rights reserved.
Layout is (c) Akira K.S. 2009.
Online since Febraury 10th, 2009.