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You've just reached "Shaken Idealist ", the TAFL-approved fanlisting for Sakura Sakurakouji,the main female character of the brand new manga by Kamijou Akimine, "CODE: BREAKER".

I loved Sakura and the way she is since the first chapter, and my love for her still continue to grow! For this reason, I'm very proud to be the owner of her fanlisting. ♥ If you don't know this beautiful and kick-ass girl, or don't know "CODE:BREAKER", please head towards the "about" section to learn something about both! ^_^

Please use the navigation above to browse the fanlisting and please consider joining if you're a fan! ^_^

Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 05th January 2025
Member count: 23, from 13 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Mydaya

April 6th , 2010: added a new partner and affiliate, the fanlisting for Hachiouji Rui, run by Kula! ♥

January 30th , 2010: I've changed the template of the stats, I will be addign a bg in the future, but in the meanwhile I wanted them to be slighty better displayed. Also fixed this main page :)

October 12th, 2009: longtime no adding things here ;_; anyway, I've fixed a couple of typos in the index page and updated the about section, and I while ago, I've added three new partners and affiliates, Toki, Ogami and Heike, but forget to post the news! ♥ I'm also so happy because it has been announced that finally Code:Breaker will be published in my country!! ♥

April 10th, , 2009: added ten 88x31 codes, two more codes for the 50x50 size, and 1 code for each the 75x50 and 100x50 sizes ♥

March 23rd, , 2008: added one code for each size♥

March 2nd, , 2008: added two codes for each size ♥

December 27th, 2008: three 50x50, two 75x50 and two 100x50 codes added ♥

November 2nd, 2008: two 50x50 codes added ♥


"CODE: BREAKER" is created by Kamijyo Akimine, published
by Kodansha, all rights reserved. This is only a fansite and the
webmistress doesn't intend to violate those rights. Layout and
content are (c) Akira K.S. Do not reproduce without permission.
Manga scans are by Rena-chan @ Manga Helpers.
Brushes by Celestial Star, Kayimi and In Obscuro.
Approved on August 10th, 2008 and online since
September 6th, 2008.
For any problem or question please feel fre to contact me.