You've reachedA MAD TEA PARTY, the TAFL-approved fanlisting for the relationship between SHARON RAINSWORTH & XERXES BREAK, two of the main characters of the manga/anime series PANDORA HEARTS! ♥
Feel free to visit all the sections, and please consider joining if you're a fan! ^_^
Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 02nd March 2025
Member count: 54, from 21 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Megan
Pandora Hearts is property of his creator, Mochizuki Jun, and published by Square Enix, anime by XEBEC, all rights reserved. This is only fansite and no infrangiments to those rights are intended.
Layout is (c) Akira K.S. since February 18h, 2010.
Textures by Hybrid Genesis.