"..simply an online listing of fans of a subject, such as a TV show, actor, or musician, that is created by an individual and open for fans from around the world to join. There are no costs, and the only requirements to join a fanlisting are your name and country. Fanlistings do not have to be large sites (although some are) - they are just a place where you can have your name listed along with other fans of the same subject."
Please browse one of the following pages to fully access the fanlist section:
~ read the guidelines and fill the form to be listed as a fan of Megumi-chan
~ choose a button and put it in your website to link back the fanlisting and have your website linked in the memberlist, next to your name
~ fill the form if you need to change your details
reset it and have it sent to you e-mail address
~ the core of the fanlisting, the list of the people who loves Megumi-chan and joined the listing