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If you have a website and you want it to be linked next to you name in the member list, please choose one of the codes below and link them back to:


Please DO NOT HOTLINK the following codes, because it steal the bandwith I pay with my own money. Upload them on your webspace or on image hosting sites, such as Image Shack or ImageVenue.





"CODE: BREAKER" is created by Kamijyo Akimine, published
by Kodansha, all rights reserved. This is only a fansite and the
webmistress doesn't intend to violate those rights. Layout and
content are (c) Akira K.S. Do not reproduce without permission.
Manga scans are by Rena-chan @ Manga Helpers.
Brushes by Celestial Star, Kayimi and In Obscuro.
Approved on August 10th, 2008 and online since
September 6th, 2008.
For any problem or question please feel fre to contact me.