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If you have a website and you want it to be linked next to you name in the member list, please choose one of the codes below and link them back to:


Please DO NOT HOTLINK the following codes, because it steal the bandwith I pay with my own money. Upload them on your webspace or on image hosting sites, such as Image Shack, ImageVenue, Photobucket or Tinypic.

50 x 50


75 x 50


88 x 31


100 x 50


DURARARA!! (DRRR!!) is created by Ryohgo Narita, illustrated by Suzuhito Yasuda and published by ASCIII Media Works. This is only a fansite and the webmistress doesn't intend to violate those rights. Layout is (c) Akira K.S. Do not reproduce without permission. Online since April 18th, 2010. Version 2.0 since may 31st, 2010. Vector by Yoru, scans by Kekoa and Owata, sprite by Choco, brushes by Fractured Sanity, In Obscuro, Heidi, texture by Yam, patterns by Hybrid Genesis. If you see something that is your and not properly credited, please accept my apologies and then contact me.